Annual and Financial Reporting
Stories of positive change happen every day at Second Chance. These stories would not be possible without the support of community leaders who generously dedicate their time and resources.
Annual and financial reports give us the opportunity to report to you — those who make these programs possible — on our most recent achievements.
Second Chance remains grateful to every donor, volunteer and advocate for your thoughtful support.
Dedicated to change.
Job Center participants learn basic computer literacy, resume writing and interviewing techniques.
Past Annual Reports
Audited Financials and Tax Forms
Second Chance’s financial records are independently audited each year. IRS 990 forms and audited financial statements are available at the links below:
FY22 + FY23 Audited Financials
FY 21 Form 990 / Audited Financials
FY 20 Form 990 / Audited Financials
FY 19 Form 990 / Audited Financials